Philosophy, Art & Technology

My research investigates the relationship between art and technique, and examines how media technologies have given rise to particular social formations now characteristic of our increasingly digital environment. All of my work, including my first book, presents a materially focused analysis of artistic practices. I am committed to studying a shift in today’s modes of cultural production and cultural heritage where technology plays a decisive role.

I am thus invested in the collaboration and exchange between artists and scientists to foster practice-based research as a method to transform higher education and society more broadly. These article publications and other introductions, edited volumes, curation, and interviews, aim to connect to debates in performance and media studies on the impact of technology on cultures and employ a cross-disciplinary approach to study technologically-mediated representational practices in social life.

You can download a complete list of my publications here.

Care as Invention: A Tribute to Bernard Stiegler
Israel and Gaza: AI in the time of warfare
The Instrumentarian Power of Artificial Intelligence in Data- Driven Fascist Regimes
Anaïs Nony publication technical image
Technical Image: Opaque Apparatus of Programmed Significance
Anaïs Nony publication l'interface et le vivant
L'interface et le vivant
Anaïs Nony publication la poétique de l'hypermatière
De la scène augmentée à la poétique de l’hypermatière: le digital dans The Alices (Walking) de Claudia Hart
Anaïs Nony publication culture under confinement
Collective Freedom in the Age of Advanced Cultural Industrialization. With Phokeng Setai
Anaïs Nony publication un féminisme décolonial
Françoise Vergès’ Un féminisme décolonial
Anaïs Nony publication aesthetic supremacy
Racism and Culture in the Age of Techno-Aesthetic Supremacy
Anaïs Nony publication digital critique
Dividual Revolution: What Can Philosophy Do in The Digital Present?
Anaïs Nony publication against walt disney education
Against Walt Disney’s Corporate Education Walter Breckenridge’s Nature Films as Scientific Investigation
Anaïs Nony publication intermediality video image
Volume-Image: The Future as Memory in Thierry Kuntzel’s Video Installation The Wave
Anaïs Nony publication technology of neo-colonial episteme
Technology of Neo-Colonial Epistemes
Anaïs Nony publication post apartheid Black theater
Post-Apartheid Black Theater: A Crime Scene
Anaïs Nony publication Bernard Stiegler
Tout contre. Tombeau de Bernard Stiegler
Anaïs Nony anxiety society of preemption
Anxiety in the Society of Preemption: On Simondon and the Noopolitics of the Milieu
Nootechnics of the Digital
Anaîs Nony ethics of care in the anthropocene
From Dividual Power to the Ethics of Renewal in the Anthropocene
Anaïs Nony publication operation of digital capture
Standstill Nomadology and Operations of Digital Capture
Anaïs Nony publication géologie de l'autre
Géologie de l’Autre: la rencontre comme tremblement de la chair
Noology and Technics. With Benoît Dillet
Anaïs Nony publication Agency in exile
Agency in Exile: Spectatorship, Television, and Mediation in Kossi Efoui’s play Récupérations
Anaïs Nony publication le cadre et l'écran
L’écran: un cadre créateur de migration du dispositif scénique
Anaïs Nony publication la scène comme philosophème
De l’image à l’écriture de la pensée: quand la scène devient philosophème
Anaïs Nony publication l'improvisation comme philosophie
Improviser le corps. Inventer une autre manière d'être au monde
Anaïs Nony publication cultures noires en France
Exhibitions. L’invention du sauvage au Musée du Quai Branly,” Quels regards sur l’Autre ?
Anaïs Nony publication théâtre
L’étendue poétique comme lieu de transhumance chez Kossi Efoui
Anaïs Nony publication Kossi Efoui
Dés-encrage poétique: l’exil dans Concessions de Kossi Efoui